Product Culture of Lajpat Nagar

Hello friends, how are you all doing? :) ok i have got something really interesting for you all today i hope you guys would love to join me as i am gonna talk about the product culture of the Central Market, Lajpat nagar.
So i suppose some of you must be thinking what product culture is ? Well let me explain what it is.
Having a product culture is about having the product, the very thing that you're building, at the heart of the business, a core aspect that's granted the attention it needs. This means that everyone in the company is an advocate for what you're building and how you're building it.
So, the Product Culture of Lajpat Nagar Central Market is not a single thing but a lot of variety of things like Garments, Foot wear, Bags, Stationary shops, washing machine covers, Jewellery, Clocks, Marble carvings, Phone covers, Furniture, toys, Frames etc. There are all type of varieties you will get in the above products and that too on not so high prices, though quality will not give 100% satisfaction but you can use it as a substitute. As i have already explained you all that all type of age groups visit here and also of all standards so people who can afford a normal price ranged products mostly visit here as everything is on reasonable rates. 


 Marble carving



 Foot wear


 Washing machine covers


Bastow, J. (2017). Creating a Product Culture Starts with Communication - MindTheProduct. [online] MindTheProduct. Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2017].


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